Bigonia Capriolata

Bignonia capreolata Athens – Photo courtesy of Brushwood Nursery, Clematis Specialists
Bignonia capreolata, also known as cross vine, is currently blooming in our shaded back service area now. I had not seen this vine blooming in my nearly ten years at Sleepy Cat Farm!
Cross vine is normally a vigorous vine, which grows best in full sun. It is a Southeastern U.S. native plant closely related to our Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans). Bignonia differs in that it is semi-evergreen and re-blooms sporadically during the summer.
Both vines can be problematic in their invasiveness, often popping up several yards away from their intended spots. Both Campsis and Bignonia are pollinator destinations for hummingbirds, and other creatures. Full sun is normally best for optimal flower production. Pests are seemingly non-existent for either vine variety.

Our cultivar is the ‘Tangerine Dream” Cross vine. There are several very colorful varieties available. A good source of this difficult to find flowering vine is Brushwood Nursery.