Propagating Plants

Propagating Plants

One of the activities in our greenhouse during the Winter season is plant propagation. Plant propagation is the process of growing new plants from a variety of sources: seeds, cuttings, and other plant parts. Many plants can be propagated from divisions, made by removing a section of the old plant. There often is not enough above ground material to create more than one new plant.

Mid Summer at Sleepy Cat Farm

Mid Summer at Sleepy Cat Farm

Photo: Bottle Gourd Blossom Walking around the beautiful grounds of Sleepy Cat farm at sunrise is one of my favorite moments of the day. So many subtle things going on without worrying about accomplishing anything but enjoyment of the moment. The Gourd and Squash blossoms photographed 

Freshly Harvested Ramps

Freshly Harvested Ramps

Ramps, or wild leeks (Allium tricoccum), were once relegated to growing in the wild, but this springtime vegetable is being grown in more and more vegetable gardens. They have a flavor that blends Spring onions and garlic. Ramps are delicious eaten on their own, pickled, 

What to do in Winter

What to do in Winter

People often ask me, “what do you do in the winter”? Honestly, in our climate one can normally proceed with garden activities throughout the month of December: invasive plant removals, planting, mulching, cleanup, even lawn installations.  My neighbor installed a sod lawn in January. I