Helleborus Blooming at Sleepy Cat Farm!

Helleborus Blooming at Sleepy Cat Farm!

Back in 1990,  I first noticed Hellebores being used for large scale groundcover plantings. They were heralded as “Winter Bloomers” and the alternative to Pachysandra as a hardy, tough groundcover with large decorative flowers. As a bonus, it was declared a great cut flower as 



I would like to begin this post with a mention of a  Horticulturist, the late Jim Cross, who started a wholesale nursery on Long Island called Environmentals back in the 70’s. Jim was one of those people who  was so passionate about plants that he 

Propagating Native Wildflowers

Propagating Native Wildflowers

Sleepy Cat Farm has been building its stock of native wildflower ephemerals the past few years to create an early layer of not only interest, but nectar sources for both native pollinators and domesticated honey bees.



While strolling the woodland paths of Sleepy Cat Farm, it is apparent to me now the importance of creating an understory layer to further enhance the experience of the garden.

Propagating Plants

Propagating Plants

One of the activities in our greenhouse during the Winter season is plant propagation. Plant propagation is the process of growing new plants from a variety of sources: seeds, cuttings, and other plant parts. Many plants can be propagated from divisions, made by removing a section of the old plant. There often is not enough above ground material to create more than one new plant.

Bigonia Capriolata

Bigonia Capriolata

Bignonia capreolata Athens – Photo courtesy of Brushwood Nursery, Clematis Specialists Bignonia capreolata, also known as cross vine, is currently blooming in our shaded back service area now. I had not seen this vine blooming in my nearly ten years at Sleepy Cat Farm! Cross 

Musings of Spring

Musings of Spring

This has been one of the most unusual Springs I can remember. Taken as a whole, the weather has been rather cool and wet, which has set back planting tender annuals by a couple of weeks. Luckily we have been able to utilize the greenhouse to 

Spring Bulbs

Spring Bulbs

Narcissus ‘Hawera’ This past Fall we forced  bulbs in plastic pots by burying them  in a leaf covered trench — (see blog post “Fall Happenings at Sleepy Cat Farm”). Here are some of the results: Narcissus ‘Hawera’, a wonderfully fragrant and bright, greenish yellow miniature 

Freshly Harvested Ramps

Freshly Harvested Ramps

Ramps, or wild leeks (Allium tricoccum), were once relegated to growing in the wild, but this springtime vegetable is being grown in more and more vegetable gardens. They have a flavor that blends Spring onions and garlic. Ramps are delicious eaten on their own, pickled, 

The First Azalea’s Blooming at Sleepy Cat Farm

The First Azalea’s Blooming at Sleepy Cat Farm

The first Azalea to bloom at Sleepy Cat Farm is the Rhododendron dauricum f. “album” – a pure white Azalea (Rhododendron ssp), that grows 5-8 feet tall and thrives in our shaded woodland. For most of the Winter, it appears as a leggy plant with